Russell Simmons Faces New Allegations of Sexual Assault

Credit: Russell Simmons/Instagram

Russell Simmons, the prominent music executive and yoga guru, finds himself embroiled in yet another legal battle as a female producer filed a lawsuit accusing him of sexual assault.

The lawsuit, filed on February 13 by an anonymous plaintiff identified as Jane Doe, alleges that Simmons sexually assaulted her in the 1990s.

According to the complaint, the incident occurred at Simmons' Manhattan residence when the victim, a music video producer at Def Jam Records, visited to seek approval for a video cut.

In a distressing turn of events, the plaintiff claims Simmons forcibly pinned her down on his bed and proceeded to assault her despite her repeated objections and pleas for him to stop.

The lawsuit comes on the heels of two previous legal actions against Simmons in 2018, both involving allegations of sexual assault.

While one lawsuit was dropped for undisclosed reasons, the other was dismissed due to the expiration of the statute of limitations in 2020.

Legal representatives for the plaintiff emphasized the significance of the recently amended New York laws, which extended the window for filing lawsuits related to sexual assault.

They highlighted how the Adult Survivors Act and the New York City Gender Motivated Violence Act provided victims with an opportunity to seek justice.

In a chilling revelation, the lawsuit detailed a recent encounter between the plaintiff and Simmons at a yoga class in March 2023.

Allegedly, Simmons made a disturbing remark to the plaintiff, displaying a lack of remorse or acknowledgment of his past actions.

Despite Simmons' history of denying accusations and maintaining his innocence regarding sexual assault, the latest lawsuit underscores the ongoing battle against sexual violence and the pursuit of accountability for powerful figures in the entertainment industry.

As of the time of reporting, Russell Simmons has not issued a response to the latest allegations.

The case is poised to reignite discussions surrounding the prevalence of sexual misconduct and the need for systemic changes to address such issues in society.

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