Amber Rose Stuns Followers with 2024 Donald Trump Endorsement, Sparking Controversy

Credit: Amber Rose/Instagram

Amber Rose shocked her followers on Monday with her endorsement for the 2024 US Presidential Election, seemingly contradicting her previous public stances.

The model-turned-activist shared a photo on Instagram of herself with Donald and Melania Trump, clearly stating her intention to vote for the former president in November. She captioned the post with "Trump 2024."

Amber, known for her advocacy of women's rights and founder of the SlutWalk movement—a protest against rape culture, slut shaming, and victim blaming—appeared to many to be making a surprising choice.

Her endorsement has sparked a wave of reactions from her followers, many of whom pointed out the apparent contradiction between Trump's political views and the values Amber has publicly supported.

Not long after the post, comments flooded in from followers calling out this stark contrast. Amber's decision to back Trump seemed to be a complete turnaround from her past public opinions about the 45th president. She had criticized Trump on multiple occasions, including his comments on "locker room banter."

Back in 2016, Amber even declared she would leave the country if Trump won the presidency, a promise she ultimately did not keep. Her recent endorsement has left many wondering about the reasons behind her change of heart.

Related: Amber Rose and Nick Cannon's Alleged Private Video Leaks

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