Former Stage Dancers Accuse Grammy Winner Lizzo of Sexual Harassment and Creating a Hostile Work Environment

Credit: Lizzo/Instagram

Three ex-stage dancers of renowned musician Lizzo have filed a lawsuit against the four-time Grammy winner, accusing her of sexual harassment and fostering an unwelcoming atmosphere during their employment.

As reported by NBC, the singer has been alleged to engage in body-shaming towards her former dancers, including a distressing incident where she coerced an individual to touch a nude performer at a strip club in Amsterdam.

Furthermore, the plaintiffs assert that Lizzo exhibited support for activities involving the launching of dildos from performers' vaginas and the consumption of protruding bananas during their shows.

The legal action has been taken not only against the popstar herself but also against her production company, Big Grrrl Big Touring, Inc. The named complainants in the lawsuit are Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams, and Noelle Rodriguez.

In addition to the claims of sexual harassment, the 35-year-old artist has also been accused of scrutinizing her dancers' weights, contradicting her public advocacy for body positivity.

Ron Zambrano, the attorney representing the plaintiffs, emphasized, "The stunning nature of how Lizzo and her management team treated their performers seems to go against everything Lizzo stands for publicly."

Continuing, Zambrano stated, "While privately she weight-shames her dancers and demeans them in ways that are not only illegal but absolutely demoralizing."

Moreover, the lawsuit also implicates Shirlene Quigley, the captain of Lizzo's dance team, in allegations of religious harassment and discomforting behavior by making inappropriate comments about the dancers' personal lives.

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