UFC Star Max Holloway Expresses Heartbreak Over Maui Crisis and Criticizes Government Response

Credit: Max Holloway/Instagram

Max Holloway, a UFC star hailing from Hawaii, is deeply impacted by the ongoing situation in Maui. He expresses concern that the government's handling of the disaster has exacerbated the issues at hand.

Speaking with TMZ Sports, an emotional Holloway, aged 31, shared his thoughts while preparing for his upcoming UFC Fight Night match against The Korean Zombie on August 26, scheduled to take place in Singapore. Despite the fight being on his mind, his thoughts remained firmly with Maui.

"It's tough man. Everything that's going on in Lahaina now is heartbreaking," Holloway remarked.

Despite the dire circumstances, Max highlights the resilience of the Hawaiian community.

"The amazing thing is how Hawaii can come together and pull through. The people of Hawaii are coming strong together."

Maui is currently facing a crisis, with the death toll reaching 111, including children. This number is anticipated to increase significantly, given that more than 1,000 individuals remain unaccounted for. Beyond the tragic loss of life, the region has been devastated, witnessing the destruction of numerous structures such as homes and businesses, many of which have been reduced to ashes.

A significant portion of the affected area has yet to be searched, leading Max to voice his dissatisfaction with the government's response.

"Here, the state, the government at so many levels, I'm straight up going to say it, they failed the people of Lahaina and it's kind of heartbreaking," Holloway expressed.

"When it felt like they were lollygagging, too, after everything happened, the people, the Hawaiian people, the locals there are the ones that stood up, that took on the responsibility, and are helping, and are still helping as we speak. Man, it's just super heartbreaking."

Given the evident emotional toll this situation is taking on Max, he was asked whether he contemplated withdrawing from the upcoming fight. However, he dismissed this possibility, as he believes his participation can serve as a temporary diversion for the affected people.

"If I can take their minds off of it for a second, a minute, five minutes, whatever it is, I always go in there thinking Hawaii is on my back. I'm going in there a little bit heavier right now," Holloway shared.

Read next: Maui Wildfires: Amid Tragedy, Beacon of Hope Emerges as Dozens Found Sheltering Together

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