Royal Expert Questions Meghan Markle's Long-Term Commitment to the UK and Royal Life

Credit: Sussex Royal/Instagram

Meghan Markle's intentions regarding her stay in the UK and life within the Royal family were brought into question by expert Tom Bower.

According to the royal author, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, had never harbored the desire to fully embrace her role as a royal from the outset.

In a conversation with, Tom Bower pointed out that the former actor had always harbored a longing to return to her native California.

He stated, "She [Meghan] never intended to stay in England. She always intended to go back to California, and it served her very well."

Regarding Meghan and Harry's individual brands and their ongoing conflicts with King Charles, Prince William, and Kate Middleton, Bower remarked that their success in the United States might be fleeting.

He noted, "I think they've [Harry and Meghan] got their own brand: Brand Harry or brand Markle. The question is how long they can sustain it."

Bower also emphasized the financial gains and publicity generated by endeavors such as Netflix, Spotify deals, and Harry's book.

However, he cautioned, "But, you know, the thing is, all these, um, all this success is very transitory and especially in America. I mean, it lasts a day, two days, but there's no substance there."

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